I probably left The Hedonist Jive on life support for at least a year too long, but after five years, I'm going to shutter this thing. In 2015 it's clear that the "generalist" blog is anachronistic to the point of mockery, and while I don't actually mind being a digital throwback, I do figure that since your attention's probably elsewhere (most Hedonist Jive posts get anywhere from 1-15 readers), there's not much point in me keeping this thing going any longer.
The Hedonist Jive was meant to be my dumping ground for all music, film and book reviews, as well as the occasional political rant or batch of weird collector postcards - and on that front, we did pretty well until roughly early 2014. Then it pretty much puttered out and was solely a place to post my Dynamite Hemorrhage Radio podcasts, which themselves are puttering out. Then we had some sort of weird flare-up with Google and their domain hosting system, and I "lost" www.hedonistjive.com to some domain squatter (good luck with that!), and had to change this one to www.hedonist-jive.com. All told, any readers who were still hanging out were scared away or bored to death.
Meanwhile, I'm focusing most of my energies at the experimental/sub-underground music blog FINAL SOUNDS and the sub-underground rocknroll music blog/podcast/fanzine DYNAMITE HEMORRHAGE. Thanks for reading, and feel free to troll our back pages for nearly 500 posts over the past five years.