See this guy in the crooked, weirdly-scanned photo? That’s me in early 1991, after having recently turned 23 years of age. That guy looks like he’s pretending to play bass guitar in a rock and roll band, without the bass – which would make sense, since he/I was in a band called HELEVATOR at the time. (Read my history of Helevator, such as it was, right here).
I look at that guy, and while I remember him well, we’ve parted company fairly dramatically over the intervening twenty years. Of course I really have barely physically aged during that time (right!), but there certainly have been some changes.
160 pounds | 178 pounds |
Thin-skinned, insecure wuss | Smug, Teflon-coated curmudgeon |
No girlfriend | Married for 13 years |
No children | 1 child |
Had never met Rebecca | Dated or married to Rebecca for 17 years |
Bedtime = 12am-2am | Bedtime = 9:45pm |
Awesome record collection | No record collection |
Claw Hammer and The Humpers as house guests | In-laws as house guests |
8” black and white TV | 42” LCD flat panel TV |
Never exercised | Obsessive middle-aged runner |
Ironic “Smile If You Like To Get Stoned” hat - never worn | SF Giants hat to cover widening bald spot - worn frequently |
Sunburn | Sunscreen |
BA, English | MBA, Marketing |
High degree of tolerance and fraternization with partiers | High degree of annoyance with and condescension toward partiers |
Red Hook | |
San Francisco renter | San Francisco homeowner |
Non-internet user | Internet user |
All-time favorite film: Apocalypse Now | All-time favorite film: Apocalypse Now |
1980 Ford Mustang | 2008 Honda CR-V |
Microwave burritos, 8 for $1.19 | $9 burritos at Papalote, extra guacamole |
“Blogger” | |
Frequent live rock shows | Frequent use of earplugs at infrequent live rock shows |
Registered Libertarian | Decline to State |
Instamatic camera | iPhone |
Bass guitar | iPhone |
CD player, tape deck, record player | iPhone |